Project Information

What is it ?

Aeris is an easy to use Java application framework, providing enough functionalities to be fully usable. It has been developed for a scientific articles library software, but I hope it's sufficiently generic to be usable on different contexts. I wanted to keep it has generic as possible (but still performant) so I had some other features other developpers might like.

What does it do ?

Here are a few of the features provided by Aeris Framework :

  • Docking view layout, don't worry about laying out your panels !!
  • Highly Modular system
  • Easily extensible with new or existing modules
  • Application preferences helpers make configuration easy
  • Built-in internationalization
  • SwingX componenents integrated (JXTaskBar, JXTable, etc.)
  • Intermodules messaging system
  • Nice Substance look and feels
  • Optional integrated DBMS (HSQLDB )
  • Easy to use !!!
  • Make coffee... no I'm just kiddin

What can I do with it ?

You may use the Aeris Framework for any Java desktop application. It's probably not suitable for large applications, other framework such as Eclipse RCP can do much better, however I hope that there is a gap where Aeris Framework can fit. It has been developped at first for the development of a scientific paper library software, so it's definitly usable. If you developp nice softwares using this framework, I would be very happy to hear about it.

Cool, but how can I use it ?

Well the best way to have fun with it is probably by having a look at the tutorial or the documentation.